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Attorney Zhao Ningning Presented at “LAWASIA Family Law & Children’s Rights Conference”in Japan
Read:3109  2015/7/2 0:21:47

Attorney Zhao Ningning wasinvited to attend The Fifth Family Law and Children’s Rights Conference inSapporo, Japan held by LAWASIA. LAWASIA was an international organization, whichestablished in 1996 and has great reputation between lawyers, business andglobal government. The members of LAWASIA come from various walks of life, suchas lawyers, judges, scholars and professors etc.

During the 3-dayconference, around 200 participants who are judges, lawyers, professors andscholars from UK, America, France, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan,Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand , P.R. China and other countries orregions joined this conference. The topics are involved in rights of children,freedom of movement, assets & recovery, visitation enforcement etc., whichplayed an active role in the international cooperation and judicial practice inthe global field of family law.

Attorney Zhao, as the onlyparticipant from China Mainland, made a presentation on Chinese law andjudicial practice.