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Attorney Zhao Ningning Contributed “the Succession of the Affluent 2nd Generation “for “Law and Life”
Read:2316  2015/8/19 10:39:04

A number of familyenterprises appeared as Chinese achievements in reform and opening. Nowadaysthe “Affluent 2nd Generation”, the successors of the entrepreneurs as thefounders of their enterprises, have grown up. As a result, the inheritance offamily enterprises has become the focus. Attorney Zhao was invited by “Law andLife”, which is Chinese national publication, to write the “the Succession ofthe Affluent 2nd Generation” with the Attorney Jia Mingjun and Attorney WangXiaocheng who are both from Shanghai Hu Jia Law Firm. Through all kinds ofcases concerning family enterprises’ inheritance at home and abroad, AttorneyZhao analyzed the effective ways for the founders of enterprises to make wellpreparations and change their traditional attitudes for and towards theenterprise succession. And then the suggestions are forwarded on separation ofownership and management rights,  settingup effective and efficient management mechanism, professional training mechanism,,testamentary trust etc, which aim to ensure the healthy and lasting successionof enterprises.